sunday worship information
Q: Do I need to register?
A: Yes. Follow the link in an upcoming email or visit our website to sign-up for your preferred service time, with a cap of 175 people registering for each service. Registration will open each Tuesday morning.
Q: When are masks required?
A: Please wear a mask at all times in the building, with exceptions for small children and those with medical concerns.
Q: What do I need to bring?
A: Make sure to bring your Bible, your mask, and perhaps your favorite cup of coffee.
Q: What if we attend with extended family/close friends we are in constant contact with?
A: If a larger group would like to sit together, select one person to register your group.
Q: What about Nursery and Sunday Groups?
A: Nursery and Sunday Groups will be available for children birth-2nd grade during the 9:00 am service only. If your kids are attending Providence Kids Sunday Groups or you plan on utilizing the nursery, please count them separately in the appropriate groups. For any child staying in the worship center, please count them in the 3rd Grade through adult category.