Men’s Bible Study

WEdnesday evening

All men interested in attending this Bible study are welcome to join. This group meets at church in Conference Room A on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:45 p.m. For more information please contact Dave DeVries.

This group will start meeting again on January 10, 2024 and will continue studying the book of Genesis.

guys life groups

Calling all men in their 30’s and 40’s (and those who feel like they are)!

This is open to men who attend Providence and those who do not call Providence home. Our desire is to equip and disciple one another.  We need the encouragement of the body of believers and the discipline to be in the Word together.

To make it more convenient for everyone, we have a group that meets on the north side of Holland and another group that meets on the south side of Holland.

For more information about the group that meets on the north side, please contact Sherwyn Lamer.

For more information about the group that meets on the south side, please contact Rob Olinzock.