Leaning on God’s Hope: Moving From Grief to Gratitude


Providence will be hosting a 6-week gathering on Monday nights, starting on November 15 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. Please invite friends and family who you know could benefit from this. We will gathering in the Loft at Providence.

We welcome Jamie Tidd as our host for this journey. We invite any adult who is walking through some type of grief (loss of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job, frustration of loss upon loss through COVID). Jamie Tidd wrote a book, Leaning on God’s Hope – Moving from Grief to Gratitude that we will work through and make available to purchase at church for $16. These will be available at the Providence office or on Sundays at a table in the lobby. Please make checks payable to Providence Church.

Each week, we will review questions from each chapter. Found at the end of each chapter, here are some sample questions:

What events in your life have brought you closer to God?

How have you dealt with unexpected circumstances in your life?

How has hiding or burying something – events, feelings, etc. affected your life in negative ways?

What do you typically do when faced with others’ tragedy? How does doing so make you feel?

What has helped you deal with tragedy – cards, simple words, actions?

How can your church or community come alongside those who are grieving?

What value do you place on “things”? How are you holding onto things instead of facing your pain?

Week 1: Introductions – Reviewing Jamie’s Story and Chapter 1
Week 2: Chapter 2 & 3 – Blind Faith and A Family Destroyed
Week 3: Chapter 4 & 5 – A Life Renewed & Gifts for a Lifetime
Week 4: Chapter 6 & 7 – Living In Hope & A Thankful Heart
Week 5: Chapter 8 & 9 – God in the Choices & Hearing the Voice of God
Week 6: Chapter 10, 11 & 12 – Following God’s Signals, Glimmers of Hope, and A Legacy of Hope

Please sign up so we know how many to count on. You can sign up in the app or on our website.

If you have any questions please contact Michelle Brink or Jamie Tidd.